In connection with its offering of 8.000% Senior Notes due 2029 (the “Notes”), Velocity Vehicle Group LLC (the “Company”) entered into an indenture, dated as of June 6, 2024 (the “Indenture”), pursuant to which the Company agreed, among other things, to provide certain information to the trustee under the Indenture, to any holder of the Notes and to any beneficial owner of the Notes by posting such information on a password-protected website of the Company. The Company also agreed to furnish to such holders and prospective investors in the Notes, upon their request, the information required to be delivered pursuant to Rule 144A(d)(4) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), for so long as any Notes are not freely transferable under the Securities Act by persons who are not “affiliates” as defined under the Securities Act.

To ensure that the reports and other information are provided only to eligible persons, the Company requires certification as to a person’s status prior to granting such person access to Intralinks, a secured online data system that will host the Company’s information (the “Data Site”).

If you are (1) a beneficial owner of the Notes (or a representative acting on behalf of a beneficial owner), (2) a bona fide prospective investor in the Notes, (3) a bona fide securities analyst providing an analysis of an investment in the Notes or (4) a bona fide market maker in the Notes, and would like to have access to the Data Site and the information contained therein, please complete the form below.

If you qualify for access under the stated criteria, you will receive an email with with detailed instructions on how to request access to the Company’s data site. The Company expressly reserves the right to deny access to any person who requests access to the Data Site if the Company is not satisfied that such person meets the stated requirements. If you have any questions, please contact us at

preferred contact method

beneficial ownership of the notes

If you currently are a beneficial owner of the Notes (or a representative acting on behalf of a beneficial owner), please indicate below the aggregate principal amount of Notes held and check boxes for the related CUSIP/ISIN:

8.000% Senior Notes due 2029


please check boxes for those items that apply to you:

By requesting access to the Data Site, you represent and warrant to the Company as follows:

you must check each of the following boxes

  • (1)
    You will not use any information contained in the Data Site or transmitted through the Company’s quarterly conference call (“Company information”) in violation of applicable securities laws and regulations.
  • (2)
    Other than in the case of securities analysts, you will keep all Company information confidential.
  • (3)
    You are not a competitor, customer or supplier of the Company or any of the Company’s subsidiaries.
  • (4)
    You will not use the Company information in any manner intended to compete with the business of the Company or any of the Company’s subsidiaries.
  • you are providing the information contained in this application solely for purposes of enabling the Company to provide access to certain information regarding the Company;
  • the Company expressly reserves the right to deny access to any person who submits this application if the Company is not satisfied that such person meets the stated requirements;
  • this application is neither an offer to purchase, or exchange any securities, including the Notes, nor does it create any obligations whatsoever on the part of the Company or you to sell or purchase any securities;
  • the Company is providing access to the Data Site on condition that the representations and warranties made to the Company in this application are true and correct;
  • accessing the Data Site and/or obtaining information from the Company under false pretenses constitutes a misappropriation of the Company’s confidential information in violation of law;
  • the Company reserves the right to take any and all appropriate legal action with respect to any person who makes any false representation or warranty to the Company for the purpose of accessing Data Site, including any appropriate remedies available in equity or at law;
  • the Company may revoke access to the Data Site at any time in its sole discretion if the Company believes that any of the representations and warranties made in this application are false in any respect; and
  • you will notify the Company if any of the representations you have made in this application cease to be correct.

“At Velocity Vehicle Group, we rely on our core values of Speed, Value, and Trust. A critical part of each core value is that we conduct our business in compliance with all laws and regulations and in a way that demonstrates our commitment to ethics and integrity. If you feel we have not fulfilled this commitment or have questions, please contact us using the Speak Up Line.”

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